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Male Bef 1809 - Bef 1860  (< 50 years)

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  • Name John MALLETT  [1
    Birth Bef 22 Oct 1809  [2
    Gender Male 
    Christening 22 Oct 1809  Alwington, Devon, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [2, 3
    • Alwington Parish Register.
    Occupation 1819  Alwington, Devon, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [4, 5
    • Apprentice: John Mallett, Age 9 Master and Estate: Edward Bale, farmer, for Spry's tenement Trade: husbandry
    Occupation Abt Jul 1840  [6
    Census Abt Apr 1841  No 2 Nova Scotia Cottage, Clifton, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    • Others with them on this census:
      Samual Hathway (30), Sarah Hathway (25) both shipwrights
    Occupation Abt Apr 1841  [6
    Census Abt Apr 1851  7 Profidence Place, Bedminster, Somerset, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [6, 7
    • Has Elizabeth Day (niece), age 8, living with them. Also Thomas Bington (65), lodger. (HO107/1945)
    • CS :
      Shipwright July 1840 (marriage certificate)
      Carpenter December 1840 (his son Thomas Henry's birth certificate)
      Shipwright 1841 (census)
      Journeyman/shipwright 1851 (census)
      Shipwright Master April 1860 (death certificate)
      Carpenter November 1862 (his son John's marriage certificate) - I am confused here because it doesn't say that his father is deceased and yet I have a death certificate for him for 1860. In the 1861 census his wife is down as a widow. Perhaps they forgot to put deceased on Thomas Henry and Jane's marriage certificate.
    Occupation Abt Apr 1851  [6, 7
    Occupation 1858  Bristol, Gloucestershire, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [8, 9, 10
    • Pub owner/landlord. Carpenter's Arms, Redcliff Back. 1858 - 1860. In June 1860 the landlord Mr E [s.b J] Mallett had died intestate and his widow applied to have the licence transferred to herself, which was approved.
    SW Group
    UKC 1881
    • CS :
      East Appledore, Devon July 1840 (marriage certificate)
      Appledore December 1840 (his son Thomas Henry's birth certificate)
      No. 2 Novia Scotia Cottage, Clifton, Bristol, Gloucestershire 1841 (census)
      7, Providence Place, Bedminster, Somerset (near Bristol) 1851 (census)
      Redcliff Backs, Bristol April 1860 (death certificate)
    Death Bef 21 Apr 1860  Redcliffe Backs, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [6, 7, 10
    • CS shows death registered on April 21, 1860. Edward John Case was present at the death. Registrar Josiah Harwood. Died of disease of the heart obscure, aged 51.

      1861 census shows his wife Eleanor Mallett as widow.

      Previously had Jun 1860.
    Person ID I3925  Southwest
    Last Modified 12 Aug 2011 

    Father William MALLETT,   b. Bef 27 Jan 1782, Alwington, Devon, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1864 (Age > 81 years) 
    Mother Mary LEE,   b. Bef 10 Apr 1789   d. Apr 1874, Appledore, Devon, England Find all individuals with events at this location (Age > 85 years) 
    Marriage 13 Apr 1809  Alwington, Devon, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F1281  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Eleanor DAY,   b. Abt 1819, Appledore, Devon, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Marriage Jul 1840  Alwington, Devon, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [6, 7, 11
    • England & Wales, FreeBMD Marriage Index: 1837-1915
      1840, Q3, July-Sept, Bideford, 10-65

      CS shows marriage was witnessed by William Jackson and Jane Day. John Mallett and Eleanor Day "of full age". Performed by ? Mick Brian (hard to read). John had a porcelain mug made for his wife Elinor [sic].

      Had Sept 1840, but CS's notes show July 1840 (marriage certificate cited).
    +1. Thomas Henry MALLETT,   b. 31 Dec 1840, Appledore, Devon, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 26 Apr 1926, 126 Miskin Street, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 85 years)
    Family ID F1337  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsChristening - 22 Oct 1809 - Alwington, Devon, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - 1819 - Alwington, Devon, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - Jul 1840 - Alwington, Devon, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - Abt Apr 1841 - No 2 Nova Scotia Cottage, Clifton, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - Abt Apr 1851 - 7 Profidence Place, Bedminster, Somerset, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - 1858 - Bristol, Gloucestershire, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - Bef 21 Apr 1860 - Redcliffe Backs, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Sources 
    1. [S897] Deb Mallett, compiler, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Descendants of Richard Mallett and Joan Blight, database, privately held by Robert Mallett, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, M04S156, Dec 26, 2015., M04S156.

    2. [S763] LM, "Doc: Mallett-Lee (from LM) 001106", Nov 6, 2000, (New Zealand). Hereinafter cited as "Doc: Mallett-Lee (from LM) 001106.".

    3. [S941] IGI Hereinafter cited as IGI.

    4. [S836] VC, "Email: VC 090327," e-mail message from unknown author e-mail to DM, March 27, 2009. Hereinafter cited as "Email: VC 090327.".

    5. [S837] The National Archives (UK), online Hereinafter cited as The National Archives (UK.), North Devon Record Office 266 A/PO 19 1819,

    6. [S827] unknown subject, Email: CS 101120 (unknown publisher address: unknown publisher, Nov 20, 2010). Email: Re: Bingo. Hereinafter cited as Email: CS 101120.

    7. [S793] VC, "Email: VC 080110," e-mail message from unknown author e-mail to BM, Jan 10/08. Hereinafter cited as "Email: VC 080110.".

    8. [S797] VC, "Email: VC 080605," e-mail message from unknown author e-mail to DM, June 5, 2008. Hereinafter cited as "Email: VC 080605.".

    9. [S798] Bristol's Lost Pubs, online Hereinafter cited as Bristol Pubs.

    10. [S799] Bristol Information, online Hereinafter cited as Bristol Info.

    11. [S830] unknown name of person, Marriage Index unknown number, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as FreeBMD Death Index, 1837-1915, England/Wales.